Out now on Spotify

& everywhere else you listen to podcasts!

“Who's trapped in your V Realm?

A fantastic fictional audio drama set in Dublin will have you asking yourself this very question! Eden's V Realm will leave you nostalgic for your teen years yet spooked at who may still be lingering decades on.

A comical cosmic space with the voices from Eden's carnal choices will have you cringing and chortling all at once as they share their perspective of Eden's story!”

-Review by Ella Furey

“You have entered into a parallel universe, an alternative dimension, a wormhole in the fabric of time and space…”

“... You’re in Eden’s vagina.”

The V Realm podcast is a fiction audio drama following one Irish girl, Eden, from teens to early 20s,

with narration (and constant bickering) from The V Realm, a dimension where partners exist in a sort of limbo.

Here, they have the honour of experiencing the world from her perspective.

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